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SASS can help you to access the National Redress Scheme

The National Redress Scheme can help you get access to three things:

If you receive an offer of redress, you can accept any or all of these things. This is your choice.

Who can apply to the National Redress Scheme?

You can apply to the National Redress Scheme if:

Please seek further information from us if you:


When is an organisation responsible?

The National Redress Scheme holds institutions accountable for child sexual abuse. For example, while in the care of an institution, child sexual abuse occurred:

  • on the premises of an institution, such as a school, a church, a club, an orphanage or children’s home
  • where activities of an institution take place, such as a camp or a sporting facility
  • or by an official of an institution, such as a teacher, a religious figure like a priest or nun, a coach or camp leader

For you to access redress, the institution responsible for the abuse must have joined the National Redress Scheme.

What are the next steps?

We offer free confidential services across all regions of Tasmania including to help people engage with the National Redress Scheme. This includes:

Contact us to speak with one of our National Redress Scheme specialists.